iO Defence Series - An Interview with Commander Jim Briscoe
Posted on December 2020 By Danny Watts
iO are delighted to bring the next interview of our brand-new group, 'The Defence Series'. This interview was with Head of NELSON, Commander Jim Briscoe.
In this interview, Business Manager Danny Watts spoke with Commander Jim Briscoe about Project Nelson and the evolution of Navy Digital Services.
Some of the topics discussed included;
Experiences in the product workshops by Digi2al and the essential collaboration with your colleagues
Lessons learned from Silicon Valley
Why there has been a disconnect between the way the military operate on the battlefield and how they operate during times of peace
Some of the lessons learned on how to sell a digital first approach to senior military colleagues
Where project NELSON and the Navy Digital Services will be in 5 years time
You can view the full interview here:
Sign up to 'The Defence Series'
As part of The Defence Series, we are looking to bring together individuals from all walks of life – whether previous service history, working within the MoD, working for a prime or someone that’s just interested in finding out more.
We will be sharing a range of insights and running events on a regular basis with topics from; ‘The Battlefield to the Scrum-board’, ‘Innovation in Defence’, “Women in Defence’ and ‘The Future of SME’s’.
Sign up to our LinkedIn Group to find out more and stay up to date with our latest events and insights:
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