iO Java Virtual Meetup - Fuelling Start-Up with Reactive Java
Posted on February 2021 By Dawid Janocki

iO Associates are delighted to bring you the next instalment of our Java Virtual Meetups! Our latest meetup featured Venkatesh Balakumar, Founder and CTO at Amzu, who presented a fantastic talk on ‘Fuelling Start-Up with Reactive Java’.
In this session, Vankatesh gave an overview of the journey to create the server-side components for our HRTech Start-Up using Spring Boot and Webflux, a reactive framework.
About the speaker
Venkatesh has been in the IT Industry for the past 23 years. He has consulted as CTO, Chief Architect, and Head of Engineering in the UK and the USA. Venkatesh is the Founder and CTO at Amzu, a Technology Consulting Service, partnered with Google Cloud and AWS. They provide Digital Transformation, Enterprise Architecture and Cloud Management Services to start-ups and enterprises. is a functional developer, engineer, software architect and entrepreneur. Furthermore, Venkatesh is also the Co-Founder at HRTech Start-Up. This involves working on AI, Machine Learning Based Human Resource solutions and services.
You can watch the full video here:
iO Associates, tech and digital recruitment specialists, have always been a very active member of multiple Meetup groups across the UK. We’re really keen to help keep our community positive and engaged hearing from the best speakers on the topics of your choice so please get in touch if you have any suggestions for meetups in the new year!
In addition, if there’s anything we can help you with in regards to sourcing candidates or finding a new role please do also get in touch.